我Claire來說一下你們或許想知道關於我們在台灣這裡到底在做些什麼,而為何我們來到這裡做發展。 在2011年的時候,我參加一個台灣有名的電視節目錄影,相當感激有這樣的一個機會能夠擁有如此寶貴的經驗,在那節目中,它結合了台灣的民俗文化風情及現代的事物,種種的經驗始終讓我難以忘懷!! 我在來台灣之前,與我交往超過4年之久的台灣男朋友,當時在布魯塞爾住上好一段時間。我們一直都有規劃著後續發展,於是最後我們決定搬往台灣展開新的生活。來到這裡之後,我發現這裡充滿著濃厚商業氛圍,在這樣的氛圍之下,促使我有了創業的念頭,追隨這日新月異的步調去發展!! 當然,在其他方面也讓我相當欣賞台灣,在我還沒搬到這裡前我已有認識不少的台灣人,他們既善良又熱情的對待他人,到我定居在這裡亦是如此。但最讓我特別喜愛的還是台灣的大眾運輸及生活。像是我現在居住的台北,有著相當完善的捷運系統,還有許多店家跟咖啡店大多會營業到晚上10點,普遍也有不錯的服務品質,有這樣好的機能讓我現在的生活感到相當方便舒適!! 很快的我搬來台灣也將要一年了,待在這裡我有很好的環境去經營我接下來的發展,也更堅定了我的目標.

Some of you may wonder what we are doing in Taiwan and why we moved here. Here is Claire's explanation of her decision:

"I really appreciated my first experience in Taiwan in 2011, when I was invited to take part in a famous TV show here. I was impressed by the combination of culture and modernity.  After living more than 4 years with my Taiwanese boyfriend in Brussels, we finally decided to start a new experience and move to Taiwan. We thought it was a good moment to try something new. Business atmosphere in Taiwan is developing very fast offering many possibilities to entrepreneurs.  

Of course, I especially liked Taiwanese people - very kind and helpful. I got to know quite a lot of Taiwanese before I even moved here. However, the particular thing I really loved here is the infrustructure. Such things as MRT, numerous shops and cafes opened till 10 pm, good service in general, all this makes life so much more convenient and comfortable. 

It will be a year soon since I moved here, and I am very happy with my decision! Taiwan is a great place to live at the moment. 



Pictures by Anchang Lin (+10 photography)

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