
由於上週台北濕冷的天氣,拍攝進度變得困難, 不過,我們可不想浪費在假日穿美美的機會,於是我們就在自家社區進行拍攝的工作~                                                                                                 

某些建築物的本身就是藝術品,例如:空中花園(期待春暖花開時)及奢華的大廳,希望大家會喜歡! [CJ]

As Taipei weather was cold last week, shooting became quite uncomfortable. However, we didn't want to waste a free day and a beautiful outfit of Claire's and went to shoot in the building where one of us lives. Some buildings here are a piece of art by themselves, with flourishing roof gardens (at least in summer) and luxurious lobbies. [CJ]

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Claire was wearing:

Dress: Kling
Jacket: Nouvelle 
Boots: Vero Cuoio
Bag: Zara


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