目前分類:Fashion (15)

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想要簡約典雅的穿著,我們推薦SOPHIaWU 的這幾件款式襯衫上衣可以顯得更加吸引動人。此時,我們也待在Stream Lounge 享受工作中休息片刻!
SOPHIaWU 是台灣的品牌,它有著高品質與嚴選料質,就算是穿著整天待在辦公室也依舊舒適亮麗!

Spending day in the office on Fridays is hard but there is always a beauty in it. Office outfits on Fridays allow us more freedom in our attire - jeans and shorts are appropriate. Match it with a blouse or a collar shirt, heels or flats and you are ready for an office break in the city’s best lounges and cafes. 

We had our office break in STREAM lounge wearing SOPHIaWU tops - simple but chick office shirts and blouses that will make you stand out. SOPHIaWU’s clothes are made in Taiwan with high quality materials that make the clothes easy and comfortable for a whole day wear. Spending Fridays in the office is now a pleasure :). [CJ]















Claire and Julia wearing: 



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你有聽過Fabitoria 這品牌嗎?在台灣算是滿新穎的時尚品牌,而我們勢必得好好推薦一下!從裙子、上衣到洋裝皆爲手工製成,使用一定品質的材質跟高數位化的印製去設計這裡每一件充滿獨特性的服裝!

Have you heard of Fabitoria yet? This is a fresh fashion label from Taiwan offering beautiful high quality clothes made by hand. Skirts, tops, dresses are made in a unique digital printed design inspired by nature, art, graphics and surroundings in general. The clothes look like a piece of art themselves and bring you joy not just by wearing them but also by looking at them. 

We had our chance to try them on and we can tell you we felt fabulous! 

Pictures taken at RAMA Thai Restaurant & Lounge in Taipei. [CJ]




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過去這幾天來,在搖 LeatherockAshley M的關係之下,讓我們有這很棒的機會可以把來自美國的皮帶、包包、和太陽眼鏡等這些眾多商品帶來台灣。
在這些商品中有真皮的質料還有一些他們有施華洛施奇的水晶來作為點綴裝飾。這回帶來的商品皆是Leatherock與Ashley M他們精心挑選的最佳推薦!!
A few days ago we had an amazing opportunity to choose accessories from a vast collection of belts, bags and sunglasses made in USA and just recently brought to Taiwan by Leatherock and Ashley M. The accessories are made from real leather and some of them use Swarovski crystals in the embellishment. Both Leatherock and Ashley M have a wide selection of items to choose from. Go check it out on the websites and receive a 20% discount with every purchase through the websites. Just enter "C&JBLOG" keyword at the check out and enjoy a 20% off your selected items. 
Have a look at our selection in the pictures below and find links to the items we've chosen.
Claire wearing:
Julia wearing:

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Brick walls of Ximending are a perfect background for our easy-to-wear outfits this week. Don't you agree? :) [CJ]



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Claire wearing

Hat: Uniqlo 

Julia wearing

Shorts: Zara

Top: Monki (from Asos) 

Shoes: Nine West

Sunglasses: Tiffany&Co


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One of the fanciest shopping malls in Taipei - Bellavita in Xinyi area. [CJ]



Claire wearing: 

Dress: nice things

Blazer: Arc en Ciel

Shoes: Esperanza


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這些華麗的珠寶是由白金、鑽石和寶石種種材料所製成,這也讓試著配戴的Claire 顯得更加珠光寶氣。

On one of the cozy Taipei streets we found a place that combines a fashion and passion - 2W Wine & Jewelry Art space. The place is a modern space for wine lovers, clean and quiet to let you enjoy your wine at its fullest. While spending time in a pleasant company, you can take a look and try on some of the finest jewels presented there. The luxurious jewelry is made with white gold, diamonds and gemstones. Claire tried on some of the items and could barely let go off them :). [CJ]

1) 金黃色的珍珠耳環、黃色鑽石和金黃色護袋皆鑲有18K白金、黃綠寶石跟有垂釣設計瑪瑙,和一些雕琢的寶石

Golden pearl earring, yellow diamond and diamond jackets in 18K white gold and
a yellow beryl & onyx pendent, gemstone & diamond necklace in 18K white gold 


2) 金黃的珍珠和鑲有18K白金鑽石戒指。還有鑲有18K白金跟黃金兩款式的珍珠耳環。
Golden pearl and diamond ring in 18K white gold and 
Golden pearl earrings in 18K white & yellow gold 


3) 鑲有藍黃寶石稱為「月石」另一款閃耀奪目的手鐲鑲有18K黃金、白金和玫瑰金

Moonstone, yellow sapphire & diamond charm bracelet in 18K yellow, white and rose goldIMG_8084-1

4) 18K玫瑰金被推崇為鑽石戒指中的時髦色款

Fancy color diamond and diamond ring in 18K rose gold 

IMG_8105-EditIMG_8238IMG_8257-EditIMG_8264IMG_8249  IMG_8270IMG_8285-Edit5) 紫水晶耳環上鑲有18K白金和紫水晶,當中垂釣的鑽石上鑲有18k白金視為時髦的顏色。鑲有18K白金且細膩雕琢的寶石與鑽石項鍊。
Amethyst earrings in 18K white gold and 
Amethyst & fancy color diamonds pendent in 18K white gold, gemstone & diamond necklace in 18K white gold 


6) 鑲有18k黃金的浮雕寶石、鑽石戒指和項鍊。
Cameo & diamond ring and necklace in 18K yellow gold 




Jewelry provided by 2W Wine & Jewelry Art space


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A perfect weather and a comfortable outfit for a stroll in the city. [CJ]

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Hong kong is certainly the most occidental city of Asia. I was lucky to attend a theatre performance in French ! I was also impressed by the height of its buildings. It is so surreal. Visiting the city is always a pure happiness for me.

Macau was a great discovery. The Portuguese influence can be found everywhere! Especially in the city's archithecture. I totaly recommend to spend one or two days in Macau (easy and cheap access by boat from Honk-Kong) [CJ]

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First day in Tokyo, Japan. Traveling light and enjoying sunny winter day. 

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Julia wearing: 

Coat 外套: Zara

Jeans 褲子: Gas

Bag : Zara

Shoes 鞋子: Nine West


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生活在這繁忙的都市中,經典的波爾多葡萄酒會是無論你今天是待在辦公室、學校還是與朋友享用晚餐,給打拚一整天的自己來個最佳的犒賞。它的簡約優雅及舒適感更是讓女性們有著難以抗拒的魅力。 由這頂級的Fabulous Z珠寶所提供搭配黑色的褲子搭上波爾多色系的鞋子和袖子更加凸顯了那水晶耳環的亮麗,同時打理完成外觀的設計。 整體看來不失本質的優雅與經典,既是舒適也更加讓妳閃爍動人![CJ]

Today’s outfit consists of simplicity, elegance and femininity, suitable for a casual office day, school day or an after-work-dinner with friends in the city. Black pants are combined with bordeaux color shoes and blouse that are enhanced with simple crystal earrings kindly provided to us by Fabulous Z jewelry to accomplish the look. 

Elegance and classicism will never be out of style. Adding comfort to that will make you feel confident any time of the day. [CJ]


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Claire was wearing:

Earrings: Fabulous Z jewelry



















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休假日,很適合優閒地待在家裡喝點紅酒,拍拍照~  這幾張拍攝於Claire台北寓所的作品,由+10 photography studio 的 ”Anchang Lin“操刀(Routes magazine) 。 幾星期前,Claire領養了一隻狗狗,名叫布丁。原本流浪街頭的她, 好心的獸醫把牠帶回去照顧,並且幫牠尋找合適的主人。 於是, 幸運的布丁成為了Claire家的新成員, 牠可愛乖巧又懂事,帶給claire許多歡樂,是隻不可多得的好寵物~ 或許牠不想再流浪了吧~
每個生命都是很可貴的~ 如果大家想要領養或是提供認養的資訊 ,都歡迎和我們說喔 ^___^ 我們會成立認養專區提供大家交流及分享~ 讓愛傳出去吧 ![CJ]

A day off is a good opportunity to relax at home, drink some wine and, of course, take a few pictures. These beautiful pictures were taken at Claire's apartment in Taipei by Anchang Lin - a photographer from +10 photography studio that we have already introduced to you in the "Routes magazine" post. A couple of weeks ago Claire got herself a pet, a dog named Puding. She was rescued from the streets in a very bad condition, and taken care of by a vet, while looking for a nice family to adopt her. Luckily, the news of the dog came to Claire and she's got the best pet one could ever have :). Puding is a well behaved, playful and loving dog. If you decided to take a dog, please take one from the animals shelter. Don't buy! You can find all kinds of breeds and ages in there. Those poor animals will be your most loving and loyal companions. 

Let us know if you have a dog and your thoughts about adopting/buying a pet. Post a picture of you and your dog in the comments, and we will make a special blogpost featuring you and your (dog)friend :). [CJ]


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濕冷的台北,讓我們沒有太多外拍的機會,所以我們決定和大家分享一些令人溫暖的回憶~去年耶誕節在比利時的美好時光比利時是Claire的家鄉,一個充滿西歐風情的地方,您若有機會造訪歐洲,不妨到比利時走走,將會有許多意想不到的收穫!若是曾經去過比利時的朋友們,歡迎大家分享旅行心得,或是有任何有關歐洲旅遊的相關問題,我們都很樂意為您解答 [CJ]

Rainy and cold Taipei doesn't give us many options for shooting outside, so we decided to post something heart warming (at least for us :) ) - a reminder of a good time spent in Belgium during last Christmas. Belgium is Claire's home country, it's a very European city in the Western Europe. You certainly should visit it if you go for a trip to Europe. 
Write to us in a comment below if you've been there and what you like about it. Or post any questions and we will answer them here or we will make a special blog post about it. [CJ]





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由於上週台北濕冷的天氣,拍攝進度變得困難, 不過,我們可不想浪費在假日穿美美的機會,於是我們就在自家社區進行拍攝的工作~                                                                                                 

某些建築物的本身就是藝術品,例如:空中花園(期待春暖花開時)及奢華的大廳,希望大家會喜歡! [CJ]

As Taipei weather was cold last week, shooting became quite uncomfortable. However, we didn't want to waste a free day and a beautiful outfit of Claire's and went to shoot in the building where one of us lives. Some buildings here are a piece of art by themselves, with flourishing roof gardens (at least in summer) and luxurious lobbies. [CJ]

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Claire was wearing:

Dress: Kling
Jacket: Nouvelle 
Boots: Vero Cuoio
Bag: Zara


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很榮幸能為12月出刊的Routes雜誌, 拍攝福斯汽車專欄本次的拍攝團隊是+10 photography studio及才華洋溢的攝影師Anchang Lin, 以下是拍攝過程與出刊內容,台灣的書局都買的到喔! [CJ]


In the December issue of the Routes magazine Claire had an honour to model for the VW car in Taiwan. The shooting was organized by +10 photography studio and shot by the talented Anchang Lin. You can see result in the pictures below and find the magazine in the stores in Taiwan.  [CJ]



by Plus+ Photographer 


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在台北的生活是忙碌的, 尤其上班日,通常是在水泥牆內度過,要不就是在前往工作的路上,我們決定改變這樣的既定模式,

週五上班前,先到碧湖公園散散步,享受晨間清新的空氣, 這真是個不錯的點子! 讓我們感到周末提前來臨~ 幸運地,台北有許多大大小小的公園,我們會陸續為大家介紹,也歡迎大家分享心目中最喜歡的公園,我們一定會去走走!

這幾天台北很冷, 所以Claire穿了一件復古的GUESS藍色外套,它不僅具有保暖功能,也讓Claire在色彩繽紛的公園內更顯出色! [CJ]

Taipei life is busy and weekdays usually pass in four walls or running from one place to another. We decided to break this routine and start the day in Bihu park (碧湖公園), taking a stroll and breathing fresh air before getting to work on Friday. It was a good idea as it felt as if the weekend had already started at that moment :). Luckily, Taipei has lots of little and not that little parks all around. We will definitely explore more of them and introduce you some. Or maybe you have your favorite park and willing to share it with us? Please let us know in the comments or make a blog post about it - we will definitely check it out!

Taipei weather is cold these days, and Claire was wearing a warm jacket from an old collection of Guess in a blue color. It suited the purpose by warming up and making Claire to stand out in the  abundance of colors in the park. [CJ]

Claire was wearing:
Guess jacket
Zara bag

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