
休假日,很適合優閒地待在家裡喝點紅酒,拍拍照~  這幾張拍攝於Claire台北寓所的作品,由+10 photography studio 的 ”Anchang Lin“操刀(Routes magazine) 。 幾星期前,Claire領養了一隻狗狗,名叫布丁。原本流浪街頭的她, 好心的獸醫把牠帶回去照顧,並且幫牠尋找合適的主人。 於是, 幸運的布丁成為了Claire家的新成員, 牠可愛乖巧又懂事,帶給claire許多歡樂,是隻不可多得的好寵物~ 或許牠不想再流浪了吧~
每個生命都是很可貴的~ 如果大家想要領養或是提供認養的資訊 ,都歡迎和我們說喔 ^___^ 我們會成立認養專區提供大家交流及分享~ 讓愛傳出去吧 ![CJ]

A day off is a good opportunity to relax at home, drink some wine and, of course, take a few pictures. These beautiful pictures were taken at Claire's apartment in Taipei by Anchang Lin - a photographer from +10 photography studio that we have already introduced to you in the "Routes magazine" post. A couple of weeks ago Claire got herself a pet, a dog named Puding. She was rescued from the streets in a very bad condition, and taken care of by a vet, while looking for a nice family to adopt her. Luckily, the news of the dog came to Claire and she's got the best pet one could ever have :). Puding is a well behaved, playful and loving dog. If you decided to take a dog, please take one from the animals shelter. Don't buy! You can find all kinds of breeds and ages in there. Those poor animals will be your most loving and loyal companions. 

Let us know if you have a dog and your thoughts about adopting/buying a pet. Post a picture of you and your dog in the comments, and we will make a special blogpost featuring you and your (dog)friend :). [CJ]


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