
生活在這繁忙的都市中,經典的波爾多葡萄酒會是無論你今天是待在辦公室、學校還是與朋友享用晚餐,給打拚一整天的自己來個最佳的犒賞。它的簡約優雅及舒適感更是讓女性們有著難以抗拒的魅力。 由這頂級的Fabulous Z珠寶所提供搭配黑色的褲子搭上波爾多色系的鞋子和袖子更加凸顯了那水晶耳環的亮麗,同時打理完成外觀的設計。 整體看來不失本質的優雅與經典,既是舒適也更加讓妳閃爍動人![CJ]

Today’s outfit consists of simplicity, elegance and femininity, suitable for a casual office day, school day or an after-work-dinner with friends in the city. Black pants are combined with bordeaux color shoes and blouse that are enhanced with simple crystal earrings kindly provided to us by Fabulous Z jewelry to accomplish the look. 

Elegance and classicism will never be out of style. Adding comfort to that will make you feel confident any time of the day. [CJ]


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Claire was wearing:

Earrings: Fabulous Z jewelry




















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