
在台北的生活是忙碌的, 尤其上班日,通常是在水泥牆內度過,要不就是在前往工作的路上,我們決定改變這樣的既定模式,

週五上班前,先到碧湖公園散散步,享受晨間清新的空氣, 這真是個不錯的點子! 讓我們感到周末提前來臨~ 幸運地,台北有許多大大小小的公園,我們會陸續為大家介紹,也歡迎大家分享心目中最喜歡的公園,我們一定會去走走!

這幾天台北很冷, 所以Claire穿了一件復古的GUESS藍色外套,它不僅具有保暖功能,也讓Claire在色彩繽紛的公園內更顯出色! [CJ]

Taipei life is busy and weekdays usually pass in four walls or running from one place to another. We decided to break this routine and start the day in Bihu park (碧湖公園), taking a stroll and breathing fresh air before getting to work on Friday. It was a good idea as it felt as if the weekend had already started at that moment :). Luckily, Taipei has lots of little and not that little parks all around. We will definitely explore more of them and introduce you some. Or maybe you have your favorite park and willing to share it with us? Please let us know in the comments or make a blog post about it - we will definitely check it out!

Taipei weather is cold these days, and Claire was wearing a warm jacket from an old collection of Guess in a blue color. It suited the purpose by warming up and making Claire to stand out in the  abundance of colors in the park. [CJ]

Claire was wearing:
Guess jacket
Zara bag

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