我Claire來說一下你們或許想知道關於我們在台灣這裡到底在做些什麼,而為何我們來到這裡做發展。 在2011年的時候,我參加一個台灣有名的電視節目錄影,相當感激有這樣的一個機會能夠擁有如此寶貴的經驗,在那節目中,它結合了台灣的民俗文化風情及現代的事物,種種的經驗始終讓我難以忘懷!! 我在來台灣之前,與我交往超過4年之久的台灣男朋友,當時在布魯塞爾住上好一段時間。我們一直都有規劃著後續發展,於是最後我們決定搬往台灣展開新的生活。來到這裡之後,我發現這裡充滿著濃厚商業氛圍,在這樣的氛圍之下,促使我有了創業的念頭,追隨這日新月異的步調去發展!! 當然,在其他方面也讓我相當欣賞台灣,在我還沒搬到這裡前我已有認識不少的台灣人,他們既善良又熱情的對待他人,到我定居在這裡亦是如此。但最讓我特別喜愛的還是台灣的大眾運輸及生活。像是我現在居住的台北,有著相當完善的捷運系統,還有許多店家跟咖啡店大多會營業到晚上10點,普遍也有不錯的服務品質,有這樣好的機能讓我現在的生活感到相當方便舒適!! 很快的我搬來台灣也將要一年了,待在這裡我有很好的環境去經營我接下來的發展,也更堅定了我的目標.

Some of you may wonder what we are doing in Taiwan and why we moved here. Here is Claire's explanation of her decision:

"I really appreciated my first experience in Taiwan in 2011, when I was invited to take part in a famous TV show here. I was impressed by the combination of culture and modernity.  After living more than 4 years with my Taiwanese boyfriend in Brussels, we finally decided to start a new experience and move to Taiwan. We thought it was a good moment to try something new. Business atmosphere in Taiwan is developing very fast offering many possibilities to entrepreneurs.  

Of course, I especially liked Taiwanese people - very kind and helpful. I got to know quite a lot of Taiwanese before I even moved here. However, the particular thing I really loved here is the infrustructure. Such things as MRT, numerous shops and cafes opened till 10 pm, good service in general, all this makes life so much more convenient and comfortable. 

It will be a year soon since I moved here, and I am very happy with my decision! Taiwan is a great place to live at the moment. 



Pictures by Anchang Lin (+10 photography)

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休假日,很適合優閒地待在家裡喝點紅酒,拍拍照~  這幾張拍攝於Claire台北寓所的作品,由+10 photography studio 的 ”Anchang Lin“操刀(Routes magazine) 。 幾星期前,Claire領養了一隻狗狗,名叫布丁。原本流浪街頭的她, 好心的獸醫把牠帶回去照顧,並且幫牠尋找合適的主人。 於是, 幸運的布丁成為了Claire家的新成員, 牠可愛乖巧又懂事,帶給claire許多歡樂,是隻不可多得的好寵物~ 或許牠不想再流浪了吧~
每個生命都是很可貴的~ 如果大家想要領養或是提供認養的資訊 ,都歡迎和我們說喔 ^___^ 我們會成立認養專區提供大家交流及分享~ 讓愛傳出去吧 ![CJ]

A day off is a good opportunity to relax at home, drink some wine and, of course, take a few pictures. These beautiful pictures were taken at Claire's apartment in Taipei by Anchang Lin - a photographer from +10 photography studio that we have already introduced to you in the "Routes magazine" post. A couple of weeks ago Claire got herself a pet, a dog named Puding. She was rescued from the streets in a very bad condition, and taken care of by a vet, while looking for a nice family to adopt her. Luckily, the news of the dog came to Claire and she's got the best pet one could ever have :). Puding is a well behaved, playful and loving dog. If you decided to take a dog, please take one from the animals shelter. Don't buy! You can find all kinds of breeds and ages in there. Those poor animals will be your most loving and loyal companions. 

Let us know if you have a dog and your thoughts about adopting/buying a pet. Post a picture of you and your dog in the comments, and we will make a special blogpost featuring you and your (dog)friend :). [CJ]


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濕冷的台北,讓我們沒有太多外拍的機會,所以我們決定和大家分享一些令人溫暖的回憶~去年耶誕節在比利時的美好時光比利時是Claire的家鄉,一個充滿西歐風情的地方,您若有機會造訪歐洲,不妨到比利時走走,將會有許多意想不到的收穫!若是曾經去過比利時的朋友們,歡迎大家分享旅行心得,或是有任何有關歐洲旅遊的相關問題,我們都很樂意為您解答 [CJ]

Rainy and cold Taipei doesn't give us many options for shooting outside, so we decided to post something heart warming (at least for us :) ) - a reminder of a good time spent in Belgium during last Christmas. Belgium is Claire's home country, it's a very European city in the Western Europe. You certainly should visit it if you go for a trip to Europe. 
Write to us in a comment below if you've been there and what you like about it. Or post any questions and we will answer them here or we will make a special blog post about it. [CJ]





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由於上週台北濕冷的天氣,拍攝進度變得困難, 不過,我們可不想浪費在假日穿美美的機會,於是我們就在自家社區進行拍攝的工作~                                                                                                 

某些建築物的本身就是藝術品,例如:空中花園(期待春暖花開時)及奢華的大廳,希望大家會喜歡! [CJ]

As Taipei weather was cold last week, shooting became quite uncomfortable. However, we didn't want to waste a free day and a beautiful outfit of Claire's and went to shoot in the building where one of us lives. Some buildings here are a piece of art by themselves, with flourishing roof gardens (at least in summer) and luxurious lobbies. [CJ]

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Claire was wearing:

Dress: Kling
Jacket: Nouvelle 
Boots: Vero Cuoio
Bag: Zara


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數天前, 我們造訪了大概是全台北最自在且暖人心房的地方--- Marchand de Linge - 緊鄰捷運忠孝復興站, 一個舒適又精緻的世界。舒適--看著那些天然的色彩和面料時,眼睛就像是在休息一樣, 而且幾乎店裡所有材質的觸感都讓我們感到愉悅。精緻-- 因為在乎質感和重視細節是法國商店的特色!

主人Véziane 女士, 熱心地為我們做店內導覽, 並告訴我們該店背後的使命, 任務就是把美放在簡單的產品當中,並為每個人的生活帶來奢華品味。美應該存在每一個家庭, 美是簡約與和諧的元素,而奢華是一種生活方式。 你會發現這樣的品牌如Rouge Baiser, Alexandre TurpaultCaravaneSlabbinckVivaraise ,它們可配合不同的家居風格。店內的設計師團隊,可為您量身打造專屬於您的居住空間,因為大多數的品項可以客製化。他們甚至有一個嬰兒專用生產線Muusa – 適合兒童的當代設計~ 此外,您可以找到天然肥皂,蠟燭,香薰油,浴室和餐布, 及其他家居飾品, 如果您有場婚禮要參加,或您被邀請到一個喬遷派對,在Marchand de Linge 絕對可以找到完美的和獨特的禮物。值得一提的是,Marchand de Linge已經深受台灣人喜愛,被刊登在許多報紙和雜誌。趕快上FB粉絲團去看看吧! 或是親自蒞臨, 感受一下來自法國的生活美學, 我們在店內享受了一天~特別感謝Véziane女士讓我們在店內拍攝。 [CJ]



A couple of days ago we visited probably the most homey and heart warming place in Taipei - a world of comfort and refinement. Comfort - because not only our eyes were resting looking at all those natural colors and fabrics, but also all the materials were pleasant on touch making us literally touch most of the things we found there. Refinement - because the quality of fabrics and attention to details is a must in the very French store - Marchand de Linge, located next to Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. 

Our hostess, Véziane Faure, kindly gave us a tour around the shop introducing the vision and the mission behind the Marchand de Linge. The mission is to reveal Beauty with simple products and bring luxury in anyone's life. Beauty is in every home. Beauty is a matter of simplicity and harmony, Luxury is a way of life. 

You will find such brands as Rouge Baiser, Alexandre Turpault, Caravane, Slabbinck, Vivaraise and others, which will certainly match different home styles. Unique expertise of Marchand de Linge designers will help to create your own personal unique style, as most of the items can be customized. They even have a special baby line Muusa - contemporary design for children. Besides, you can find natural soaps, candles, aroma oils, bath and table linen, and other home accessories in the Marchand de Linge store. If you have a wedding to attend or you are invited to a house warming party, you can definitely find the perfect and unique gift that will be always appreciated. 

It is worth mentioning that Marchand de Linge has already been loved by Taiwanese and was featured in numerous newspapers and magazines. Check it out by yourself on Facebook and go visit the shop to feel the French touch on your skin. We definitely enjoyed the day spent at Marchand de Linge. Special thanks to Véziane Faure for letting us shoot in the shop. [C&J]


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很榮幸能為12月出刊的Routes雜誌, 拍攝福斯汽車專欄本次的拍攝團隊是+10 photography studio及才華洋溢的攝影師Anchang Lin, 以下是拍攝過程與出刊內容,台灣的書局都買的到喔! [CJ]


In the December issue of the Routes magazine Claire had an honour to model for the VW car in Taiwan. The shooting was organized by +10 photography studio and shot by the talented Anchang Lin. You can see result in the pictures below and find the magazine in the stores in Taiwan.  [CJ]



by Plus+ Photographer 


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在台北的生活是忙碌的, 尤其上班日,通常是在水泥牆內度過,要不就是在前往工作的路上,我們決定改變這樣的既定模式,

週五上班前,先到碧湖公園散散步,享受晨間清新的空氣, 這真是個不錯的點子! 讓我們感到周末提前來臨~ 幸運地,台北有許多大大小小的公園,我們會陸續為大家介紹,也歡迎大家分享心目中最喜歡的公園,我們一定會去走走!

這幾天台北很冷, 所以Claire穿了一件復古的GUESS藍色外套,它不僅具有保暖功能,也讓Claire在色彩繽紛的公園內更顯出色! [CJ]

Taipei life is busy and weekdays usually pass in four walls or running from one place to another. We decided to break this routine and start the day in Bihu park (碧湖公園), taking a stroll and breathing fresh air before getting to work on Friday. It was a good idea as it felt as if the weekend had already started at that moment :). Luckily, Taipei has lots of little and not that little parks all around. We will definitely explore more of them and introduce you some. Or maybe you have your favorite park and willing to share it with us? Please let us know in the comments or make a blog post about it - we will definitely check it out!

Taipei weather is cold these days, and Claire was wearing a warm jacket from an old collection of Guess in a blue color. It suited the purpose by warming up and making Claire to stand out in the  abundance of colors in the park. [CJ]

Claire was wearing:
Guess jacket
Zara bag

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